For small and midsize business owners, adhering to employment laws is crucial to maintain a fair and lawful work environment. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe consequences, as exemplified by a recent case involving a Florida construction subcontractor.  

By exploring this case, we aim to raise awareness among business owners about the penalties associated with breaking employment laws and emphasize the importance of compliance in protecting both employees and the business itself.


Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

The Subcontractor’s Violations

During the construction of a new reservoir pump station in Florida, a subcontractor, underpaid 11 electricians who were involved in the project.

The U.S. Department of Labor discovered that the subcontractor should have paid the electricians $37 per hour for their work, but instead paid them only $25 per hour or less. As a result, the electricians were denied a total of $171,998 in wages and benefits.

Upon reviewing the company’s pay records, the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor found that the subcontractor paid some electricians at lower rates intended for laborers, while others received higher laborers’ rates. However, the subcontractor failed to pay the electricians the prevailing wage rate required for the federally supported project.

Additionally, most of the affected workers were not provided with the mandatory health and welfare benefits specified for the project.

Violations and Consequences

The subcontractor’s actions violated provisions of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. These regulations govern pay practices for construction contractors and subcontractors involved in federally funded or assisted contracts. Non-compliance with these laws can lead to significant penalties and repercussions.

District Director Nicolas Ratmiroff from the Wage and Hour Division in Florida, emphasized that employers bidding on federally supported contracts must adhere to the specified wage classification rates without negotiation.

Failure to pay workers the required wage rates outlined in the awarded contract not only results in substantial back wages owed but may also lead to potential debarment from bidding on future contracts.

The Importance of Compliance

This case underscores the critical need for small and midsize business owners to prioritize compliance with employment laws. Here are key takeaways to help ensure your business operates within the legal framework:

Familiarize Yourself with Applicable Regulations

Stay informed about the employment laws relevant to your industry and specific projects, especially when working on federally funded or assisted contracts.

Paying Prevailing Wage Rates

Understand the prevailing wage rates specified in contracts and ensure that your employees are paid accordingly. Negotiating lower rates is not permitted.

Providing Mandatory Benefits

Take note of any required health and welfare benefits specified in contracts and make sure they are provided to eligible employees.

Seek Guidance

If you have any questions or concerns about complying with the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, consider attending prevailing wage seminars or consulting with legal professionals well-versed in employment law.


Adhering to employment laws is a fundamental responsibility for small and midsize business owners. Violations can have severe financial and reputational consequences. By understanding the regulations applicable to your industry and specific projects, paying the prevailing wage rates, and providing mandated benefits, you can protect your employees’ rights, ensure compliance, and safeguard the future of your business.

Remember, compliance is not just a legal obligation, but a commitment to maintaining a fair and ethical work environment.

Connect with an HR expert at Asure to learn how we keep your business compliant with federal, state, and local employment laws.

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