The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has uncovered a deeply concerning pattern of neglect for employee safety requirements at a steel erection company. The steel erection company has a history spanning over a decade, marred by serious and repeat violations that compromise the well-being of its workforce. Despite numerous warnings, a recent federal workplace safety investigation has revealed that the company once again failed to address fall protection hazards, underscoring the dire consequences of ignoring employment laws.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Recurring Violations Exposed

The investigation carried out in February 2023, exposed a glaring lack of fall protection for employees of the steel erection company as they engaged in erecting a steel building in Texas. The consequences of this violation were significant, leading OSHA to cite the company for a series of violations:

  • One serious violation for failing to secure a ladder’s top to a rigid support.

  • One willful violation for allowing workers to erect buildings taller than 15 feet without adequate fall protection.

  • One repeat violation for neglecting to ensure that employees using an aerial lift stood firmly on the basket’s floor and were equipped with proper safety attachments.

  • As a result of these violations, OSHA has proposed penalties totaling $266,416 against the company.

History of Ignoring Safety Standards

The alarming reality is that the steel erection company has been cited for similar violations multiple times in the past. Instances of failing to ensure proper safety attachments to aerial lifts and not ensuring that employees stood securely on the lift’s basket floor have been identified as recurring issues. Despite OSHA’s prior citations in February 2019, July 2019, and October 2022, the company has failed to rectify these safety concerns.

Severe Penalties and Ongoing Risk

Mhekeba Hager, OSHA Area Director in Houston, expressed the gravity of the situation: “[the steel erection company] seems unwilling to end its long and troubling history of putting its employees at risk of serious injury or worse.” This lack of compliance with safety standards not only exposes employees to unnecessary hazards but also raises concerns about the company’s willingness to prioritize employee well-being.

A Message to Business Owners

This case serves as a stark reminder to small and midsize business owners about the paramount importance of compliance with employment laws and safety regulations. Employee safety should always be a top priority, as the repercussions of neglecting safety standards are not only financial but can also lead to devastating human consequences. It’s crucial to learn from the violations faced by the steel erection company and take proactive steps to ensure a safe and compliant work environment.


The case of the steel erection company underscores the critical role that employers play in protecting their workforce. Business owners must remain vigilant in upholding employee safety requirements and adhering to employment laws. Failure to do so can result in serious penalties, legal consequences, and reputational damage.

By prioritizing the well-being of employees, you not only create a responsible work environment but also secure the future success of your business. Remember, the safety of your employees is not negotiable, and compliance with employment laws is an investment in both their lives and the prosperity of your business venture.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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