Nationwide discount retailer cited for repeat violations, faces $294,000 in new penalties. For the third time in three months, the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited one of the nation’s largest discount retail chains, for allowing hazardous conditions at one of its stores in Rhode Island.

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Retailer is Cited Again for Allowing Hazardous Conditions Inside Stores in Rhode Island

Following a complaint, OSHA conducted an inspection at the retail store. During the inspection, it was discovered that store employees were exposed to slip and trip hazards due to haphazardly stacked boxes that were falling and spilling items in the shopping area. The stockroom also had wheeled carts, large boxes, bins, and trash scattered throughout, posing additional hazards. Furthermore, boxes of merchandise were unsafely stacked in the stockroom, putting employees at risk of collapse and struck-by hazards.

As a result of these conditions, OSHA cited the retailer for two repeat violations and proposed penalties amounting to $294,668. The company had previously been cited by federal workplace safety inspectors for similar hazards in stores located in Rhode Island, as well as in Idaho, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Texas.

OSHA Area Director Robert Sestito in Providence emphasized that the retailer had been cited before for unsafe storage practices, indicating their awareness of the hazards and the necessary corrective measures. Sestito stated, “It’s time they put worker safety over profits.”

Since 2017, the retailer, which is based in Virginia, has been the subject of more than 500 inspections conducted by federal and state OSHA programs. These inspections identified over 300 violations at the retail stores operated by the company. In April 2023, the agency cited two of the retailer’s locations for obstructing exits and unsafe stacking of materials, resulting in penalties totaling $539,095.

The retailer operates over 16,000 stores across 48 states and five Canadian provinces. The company also maintains a nationwide logistics network and employs more than 193,000 individuals. In 2021, the publicly traded company reported a gross profit of $7.7 billion.

The retailer now has 15 business days to comply with the citations and penalties, request an informal conference with OSHA’s area director, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.


In conclusion, the repeated citations against the retailer serve as a reminder of the severe penalties that businesses can face for disregarding employee safety. The US Department of Labor’s actions underscore the importance of prioritizing worker well-being and maintaining safe working conditions.

Small and midsize business owners should take note of these developments and ensure compliance with occupational safety and health regulations to protect their employees and avoid costly penalties. By fostering a culture of safety, businesses can create a conducive work environment and demonstrate their commitment to the welfare of their workforce.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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