Running a small or midsize business involves more than just managing operations and profitability. Ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees is a legal and ethical obligation. A recent case involving one of the nation’s largest discount retail chains, highlights the severe penalties that can result from neglecting workplace safety regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

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Persistent Workplace Safety Failures

Despite being fined more than $21 million for workplace safety violations since 2017, the discount retail chain continues to expose their employees to hazardous conditions. In a recent federal investigation, it was discovered that an Austin store was allowing employees to work in an environment with blocked exits and fire extinguishers that were not properly maintained or mounted.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a division of the U.S. Department of Labor, conducted an inspection in January 2023, leading to citations against the discount retail chain. The citations included two serious and two repeat violations, with proposed penalties totaling $298,685.

Urgent Need for Corrective Action

Monica Munoz, OSHA Area Director in Austin, Texas, expressed concern over the hazardous conditions found in the discount retail chain stores. She stated, “Far too often, our inspections at these stores find exits and pathways blocked by boxes of merchandise, rolling carts, and other materials endangering the safety of employees. The company must take immediate action to correct hazards that can prevent workers from exiting quickly during an emergency.”

This case highlights the importance of maintaining clear exit pathways and ensuring that safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, is properly maintained and accessible to all employees.

Repeat Offenses and Penalties

The discount retail chain’s failure to address workplace safety hazards is not a one-time occurrence. Since 2017, the company has been cited in a total of 240 inspections by OSHA. The ongoing nature of these violations is deeply concerning and emphasizes the need for immediate corrective action.

Lessons for Business Owners

The discount retail chain case serves as a stark reminder for small and midsize business owners to prioritize workplace safety. Ensuring that your workplace is free from hazards and compliant with safety regulations is not only legally required but also vital for the well-being of your employees.

Implementing proper safety protocols, conducting regular safety inspections, and addressing any identified hazards promptly can prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, fostering a culture of safety within your organization ensures that employees understand the importance of adhering to safety guidelines and reporting potential hazards.


The discount retail chain case underscores the serious consequences of neglecting workplace safety. As a responsible business owner, it is your duty to provide a safe and secure environment for your employees. By doing so, you not only prevent costly penalties but also create a workplace where your employees can thrive without unnecessary risks.

Prioritizing workplace safety is a commitment to the well-being of your workforce and a testament to your dedication as a responsible employer. By investing in safety measures and fostering a culture of safety, you create a workplace that values its employees’ health and safety above all else. Remember, safeguarding your employees is not just a legal requirement—it’s a fundamental element of a successful and ethical business.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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