Employment laws are in place to protect the rights and fair treatment of workers. Recent developments reveal the importance of adhering to these laws to avoid substantial penalties. The case of a fruit company sheds light on the consequences that businesses, including small and midsize ones, may face for violating employment laws.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Fruit Company Violates Multiple Requirements of Agricultural Program

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division conducted an investigation into the practices of a fruit company. The findings were concerning, as the company was found to have violated multiple requirements of the H-2A agricultural worker program. Specifically, the company failed to compensate 55 workers for all hours worked, including 50 individuals who had traveled from Mexico. Furthermore, they did not comply with the requirements of the agricultural job order.

One of the crucial violations was the failure to pay the required hourly adverse effect wage rates, which were $13.15 in 2021, $14.16 in 2022, and $14.91 in 2023. This violation deprived workers of their rightful earnings and demonstrated a disregard for labor regulations.

The investigation also revealed that the fruit company did not meet safety and health requirements for housing and transporting H-2A workers. Additionally, the company neglected to request a preoccupancy inspection of housing in a timely manner, which is essential for ensuring the well-being of workers.

The Impact of Violations

As a result of these violations, the U.S. Department of Labor recovered a total of $45,384 in back wages owed to the affected workers. Moreover, civil money penalties amounting to $8,998 were imposed on the company. The impact of these penalties highlights the serious nature of the violations and the commitment of authorities to enforce labor laws.

In total, 55 workers were affected by the violations, including 50 who were part of the H-2A program, which allows agricultural employers to hire foreign workers temporarily. The situation brings to light the vulnerability of workers who may come from different countries seeking work opportunities.

In the words of Wage and Hour Division District Director Roberto Melendez in Richmond, Virginia: “Our investigation found the fruit company denied dozens of agricultural workers, many of whom traveled to the U.S. at the company’s request, safe housing and transportation, and their legally earned wages. In addition to recovering back wages, we assessed penalties for these deliberate violations.”

The fruit company, an agricultural fixed-site employer specializing in apple growing and harvesting, serves as a cautionary example of the consequences that can arise from neglecting employment laws. Small and midsize businesses must recognize the importance of compliance with federal, state, and local employment-related laws and regulations. Prioritizing fair treatment, safe working conditions, and proper compensation for workers is essential not only for legal compliance but also for maintaining a positive reputation and business success.


The Fruit Company case underscores the necessity for businesses to adhere to employment laws. Violations not only result in financial penalties but also harm workers’ rights and well-being. It’s crucial for business owners to educate themselves about labor regulations and prioritize ethical practices in their operations. By doing so, businesses can avoid legal troubles and create a workplace that respects and values its workforce.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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