Creating a comprehensive social media policy is crucial for businesses in today’s digital age. This policy serves as a guide for employees, ensuring they understand the company’s expectations regarding their online conduct.

In this article, we will discuss the key components that should be included in a social media policy to promote compliance and protect both employees and the organization.

For help crafting a social media policy and employee handbook tailored for your business, contact the HR experts at Asure.

1 – Definition of Social Media and Application of Company Policies

The policy should clearly define what constitutes social media and emphasize that existing company policies, such as Equal Opportunity policies, extend to online behavior.

This helps employees understand that their actions on social media platforms are subject to the same standards and guidelines as their conduct in the workplace.

2 – Work Usage and Social Media

The policy should address whether employees are permitted to use social media during working hours. It is important to establish guidelines regarding the extent to which social media can be used for personal purposes during work time to maintain productivity and avoid potential distractions.

3 – Intellectual Property and Confidentiality

To protect the company’s interests, the policy should include provisions that address the protection of intellectual property and confidential information.

This reinforces the importance of safeguarding sensitive company data and proprietary information from being shared on social media platforms.

4 – Employee Representation and Conduct

The policy should clearly state that employees need written authorization to speak on behalf of the company. This helps establish boundaries and ensures that only authorized individuals represent the organization’s views and opinions.

Additionally, the policy can address endorsements and restrictions on promoting company services to maintain consistency in messaging.

5 – Privacy Rights and Relationships

The social media policy should outline guidelines for relationships between supervisors and subordinates, particularly regarding friend requests and online interactions.

Addressing privacy concerns and setting appropriate boundaries helps maintain a professional work environment and avoids potential conflicts of interest.

6 – NLRA Rights and Savings Clause

Acknowledging employees’ rights to engage in protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is essential.

Including an NLRA savings clause emphasizes that the policy is not intended to limit these rights and protects the company from any misinterpretation or legal implications.

7 – Intra-Company Social Media Platforms

For organizations utilizing internal social media platforms or messaging systems, it is advisable to address any specific restrictions or guidelines related to their usage.

This ensures that internal communication channels align with the organization’s overall social media policy.


Developing a comprehensive social media policy is crucial for businesses to effectively manage the potential risks associated with employee online behavior. By clearly communicating expectations, providing examples, and addressing legal requirements, a well-crafted social media policy helps protect the company’s brand, intellectual property, and confidential information.

Regular distribution and training on the policy ensure that employees understand their responsibilities and mitigate any compliance-related issues.

The HR experts at Asure can train your employees to be compliant with employment laws and protect your business from costly penalties and investigations. Learn more here.

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