Jan 24, 2017 | HCM, HR Management, Mobile Technology
According to a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder, the hiring outlook for 2017 is the strongest it has been in over a decade. Of the over 2000 hiring managers surveyed, 40% expect to hire full-time employees this year and a third expect to add part-time,...
Jan 12, 2017 | Company Culture, HCM, HR Management
By mid-January, a third of your employees will have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions, based on a recent survey by Statistic Brain. A month later, odds are that a little more than half of them will still be on track, and by year’s end, it is estimated...
Dec 5, 2016 | Agile Workplace, Company Culture, HCM, HR Management
Competition for top talent is forcing employers looking for “the best and the brightest” to seek them out wherever they are, not just where the company might be located. As that becomes more prevalent, it’s incumbent upon employers to leverage every...
Nov 21, 2016 | Company Culture, HR Management
Halloween is over, meaning you’re scheduling the kids’ next dentist appointments and—if you’re in HR—preparing for the barrage of time off requests headed your way. If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to start thinking of a game plan, because let’s face...