EEO-1 Report Deadline Extended to October 30

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires certain companies over a certain size to submit a report categorizing their employees by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. This demographic survey, called the EEO-1, is due by October 30 (most years...

Tying Values & Noncash Rewards

Noncash Rewards Most Effective When Tied to ValuesThese are challenging days for employee rewards. With base pay increase averages continuing to hover at 3 percent or even less, employers are looking for additional ways to engage employees and reward exceptional...

Employee or Independent Contractor? A New DOL Interpretation

To help employers properly classify their workers, the Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new Administrator’s Interpretation to explain how the Fair Labor Standards Act’s definition of employee should be understood. As opposed to focusing primarily on the amount...

FLSA Exempt & Non-Exempt Status Changes Coming!

Exempt Status in Jeopardy: FLSA Salary Requirements Skyrocketposted on: Tuesday, July 7, 2015The Department of Labor (“DOL”) has issued proposed revisions to the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) regulations that drastically increase the...

What Employers Need To Know About Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

The Supreme Court on Friday (June 26, 2015) ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, meaning that same-sex marriages must be recognized nationwide. The ruling will have vast implications for employers, which until now have been operating under...

Questions on Health Care Reform Requirements & Mandates?

Healthcare Reform, PPACA, ACA, oh my. There are so many questions and so much to understand even those that work with benefits on regular basis find it daunting. We’ve found The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation website has some great resources. Most noteworthy to...