What is HCM ASO?

With Human Resources the operational hub of organizations, both the department and its functions have become strategic centers of organizational advancement. To accommodate expanding demand for support, HCM technology and services are no longer disparate industries....

What is a Confidentiality Agreement?

According to Harvard Business Review, recent data shows that more than one-third of the U.S. workforce is bound by a confidentiality agreement, also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). A confidentiality contract is a legally binding document between an employer...

What is a Performance Review?

A performance review is an important opportunity to evaluate work performance, provide feedback, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set job-related goals including skills and career development. Most businesses conduct formal reviews, or performance appraisals, of...

10 Employee Benefits Open Enrollment Automation Advantages

If you’re handling your company’s employee benefits open enrollment manually, your frustration is felt. It’s progressively more difficult every year. Automating the processes is a strong consideration at this juncture, reducing time and cost allocated to provide these...