In a heartbreaking incident that underscores the paramount importance of workplace safety, a recent federal investigation has unveiled a preventable tragedy that occurred at a leading cement manufacturer. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) discovered that a 50-year-old employee lost his life in February 2023 after falling from a barge into the Mississippi River. The investigation found that the company failed to take essential safety precautions that could have saved a life. 

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Employee Drowned After Cement Manufacturer Failed to Take Safety Precautions 

The circumstances surrounding the incident were deeply tragic. Three employees of the cement manufacturer boarded a barge without wearing personal flotation devices. Shortly after ascending to a second deck to repair a blocked valve, one of the workers tragically fell head-first into the river from the barge’s side. Despite the valiant efforts of co-workers to rescue their colleague, the remains were not recovered until nearly a month later. 

OSHA’s investigation revealed five serious violations by the company, which is based in Pennsylvania. Specifically, the agency found that the cement manufacturer failed in the following areas: 

  • Ensuring that employees wore personal flotation devices when exposed to drowning hazards. 
  • Installing guardrails to protect workers from falling into the water. 
  • Providing proper training to employees in first aid. 
  • Installing an eyewash station for workers exposed to corrosive materials. 
  • As a consequence of these safety lapses, the company now faces proposed penalties totaling $62,500. 

OSHA’s Response 

OSHA Area Office Director Courtney Bohannon in Mississippi, expressed profound sadness over the preventable tragedy, stating, “The cement manufacturer could have prevented this tragedy by making sure employees wore the personal protective equipment that was readily available. Employers have a legal responsibility to provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace. This employer’s failures cost a worker his life and leaves family, friends, and loved ones with an unfillable void in their own lives.” 

The cement manufacturer, a prominent cement manufacturer, produces brick, stone, and related construction materials at multiple cement plants across several states. The company also operates numerous cement terminals across the U.S., distributing its products to 21 states and employing approximately 1,300 workers. 

This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder to business owners of all sizes and industries that the safety of their employees must be an unwavering priority. Neglecting safety protocols and failing to provide essential safety equipment not only results in severe financial penalties but, more importantly, can lead to tragic and preventable accidents that devastate lives. 


Employers must recognize that compliance with safety regulations is not merely a legal obligation but a moral responsibility. Protecting the lives and well-being of workers should always take precedence, ensuring that every employee returns home safely to their loved ones at the end of each workday. Workplace safety is not an option; it’s an imperative that cannot be compromised. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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