As a small or midsize business owner, it is crucial to be aware of the severe consequences that can arise from violating employment laws. A recent case involving an auto shop operator in Georgia highlights the importance of adhering to fair labor practices. The operator, along with the business, faced significant penalties, including paying back wages and damages, as well as being subject to a permanent injunction.

This article aims to shed light on the repercussions of breaking employment laws and emphasizes the need for compliance to protect both employees and businesses.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Georgia Auto Shop Penalized for Retaliation and Discrimination

In a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) consent order and permanent injunction issued by Judge Timothy C. Batten of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, and auto shop and its owner were found guilty of retaliation against a former employee.

The U.S. Department of Labor brought the suit after the employer failed to pay the employee’s final wages and engaged in retaliatory actions.

Severe Retaliatory Actions and Defamation

Following the employee’s complaint to the Wage and Hour Division, an investigation uncovered alarming retaliatory measures. The employer paid the former employees’ owed wages of $915 in an unacceptable and demeaning manner.

He delivered approximately 91,500 oil-covered pennies and included a pay stub marked with an expletive to the worker’s home. Additionally, the employer published defamatory statements about the former employee on the company’s website, further exacerbating the violation.

Violations of FLSA Overtime Provisions

The investigation by the Wage and Hour Division also revealed that the owner violated the FLSA’s overtime provisions. Instead of paying employees the legally required overtime rate for hours worked beyond 40 in a workweek, the owner paid straight-time rates. This violation further compounded the employer’s infractions and strengthened the case against them.

Penalties and Permanent Injunction

As a consequence of the employer’s actions, the court ordered 811 the auto shop to pay a total of $39,934. This amount included back wages owed to nine workers and an equal sum in liquidated damages.

In addition to the monetary penalties, the court issued a permanent injunction. The employer was prohibited from violating federal minimum wage and overtime provisions and required to fulfill specific obligations.

Compliance Requirements for the Employer

The court’s order mandated the following actions by the auto shop operator:

  • Remove all photographs and references to the retaliated employee from the company website and refrain from posting any information about the employee in the future.

  • Immediately post the consent judgment in conspicuous places within the facility where employee notices are typically displayed.

  • Conspicuously display a division fact sheet prohibiting retaliation under the FLSA within the facility.

The Importance of Upholding Workers’ Rights

This case serves as a clear message to employers, like the auto shop owner, who engage in unfair wage practices and intimidate or retaliate against employees.

It is essential to understand that engaging with the U.S. Department of Labor is a protected activity, and workers should never fear harassment or intimidation in the workplace. Regional Solicitor Tremelle Howard in Atlanta emphasized that employers must comprehend that willful violation of labor laws comes with severe consequences.

Protecting Workers’ Rights and Ensuring Compliance

Wage and Hour Regional Administrator Juan Coria in Atlanta emphasized that workers have the right to obtain their earned wages without fear of harassment or intimidation. The Wage and Hour Division is committed to using all available tools to protect workers’ rights and prevent employer retaliation. This case serves as a stern warning to employers that retaliation will not be tolerated.


For small and midsize business owners, this case highlights the potential penalties for breaking employment laws. It is crucial to prioritize compliance with fair labor practices to avoid severe financial repercussions and damage to a company’s reputation.

By understanding the importance of upholding workers’ rights and adhering to legal requirements, businesses can create a positive work environment and protect their employees’ well-being.

Connect with an HR expert at Asure to learn how we help your business comply with federal, state, and local employment laws.

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