In a recent triumph for employee rights, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) secured a consent order compelling the owner and administrator of an Illinois-based home care and healthcare provider to pay a staggering $324,049 in back wages and liquidated damages. This successful legal action by the DOL was part of a diligent effort to recover overtime denied to 159 healthcare workers, highlighting the consequences of breaching employment laws. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

159 Healthcare Workers Denied Overtime 

A provider of essential home care and healthcare services in Illinois, came under the DOL’s scrutiny after a comprehensive two-year review of its pay practices. Following this review, the DOL filed a case in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, on July 31, 2023. Shortly thereafter, a consent order was obtained, resolving all issues and securing the payment of $324,049 in back wages and liquidated damages, along with an injunction to ensure future compliance. 

The investigation revealed that from October 2020 through October 2022, the owners failed to maintain accurate records of hours worked by employees and paid them only straight-time wages, denying them the overtime pay they were entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 

Compliance is Key 

This case serves as a reminder that employers are obligated to follow wage laws specific to their industry. It emphasizes the importance of compliance with employment regulations, especially concerning fair compensation and overtime wages. Not only do these laws protect employees, but they also promote fair and just business practices. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights that as of May 2022, the average nursing assistant in the home healthcare services industry earned about $15.46 an hour. This underscores the critical need for employers to ensure that their employees are compensated fairly and in accordance with the law. 


The Department of Labor’s relentless pursuit of justice in this case underscores the government’s commitment to upholding employees’ rights and enforcing compliance with employment laws. It sends a clear message to employers, especially small and midsize businesses, about the importance of adhering to wage and hour regulations. Upholding these standards is not only a legal necessity but also a moral obligation that fosters a fair and respectful work environment for all. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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