In the realm of Business, understanding and abiding by employment laws is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental responsibility that every employer must uphold. A recent lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) against two restaurants in Michigan serves as a stark reminder of the penalties and consequences that can arise from failing to comply with wage laws, particularly regarding overtime pay. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

Restaurant Faces Legal Action For Unpaid Overtime Wages 

The DOL’s lawsuit, filed on September 18, 2023, alleges that two restaurants and their owner failed to pay 20 employees a total of $121,767 in overtime wages between July 6, 2020, and July 3, 2022. The suit seeks to recover this amount in back wages and an equal sum in liquidated damages, totaling $242,534, while also requesting an injunction against the owner and the restaurants to prevent future violations. 

The company operates two restaurants in Michigan, and the violations primarily involve the failure to compensate employees at a rate of time and a half their regular hourly pay for overtime hours worked during the specified period. 

Compliance is Essential 

Wage and Hour Midwest Deputy Regional Administrator, Timolin Mitchell, emphasized that compliance with federal wage laws is non-negotiable. Mitchell reiterated that every worker has the right to be paid in full for the work they perform, and employers must understand and follow the law without exception. Workers cannot be made to waive their rights, including the right to receive the minimum wage mandated by federal law. 

For small and midsize business owners, this lawsuit should serve as a stern warning about the importance of diligently adhering to employment laws, especially concerning overtime wages. Non-compliance not only risks financial penalties but also damages a business’s reputation and employee morale. 


This case underscores the necessity for employers to educate themselves about employment laws, particularly those relating to wages and overtime. Employers must ensure compliance to avoid legal repercussions and, more importantly, to create a fair and just work environment. Upholding employees’ rights is a fundamental principle that not only protects the workforce but also contributes to a thriving and ethical business landscape. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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