Recent enforcement actions by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) shed light on the importance of compliance with employment laws for businesses, particularly concerning the employment of minors. The DOL conducted investigations into several Florida skating rinks and discovered violations regarding the employment of minors beyond legally permissible hours. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

5 Skating Rinks Illegally Employed Minors Later Than Allowed  

Five skating rinks were found to have employed 14- and 15-year-olds outside of the allowed work hours. These violations included permitting minors to work past 7 p.m. during school days and past 9 p.m. between June 1 and Labor Day. The infractions also extended to allowing minors to work more than three hours during school days, over eight hours on non-school days, and exceeding 18 hours during school weeks. 

Moreover, the employers failed to maintain accurate records documenting the ages of their minor employees, further aggravating the violations. 

The DOL’s Response 

The DOL imposed civil money penalties totaling $26,103 to address the child labor violations and underscore the importance of compliance with employment laws. These penalties are a stark reminder for businesses to uphold their legal obligations and protect the rights and well-being of young workers. 

Nicolas Ratmiroff, District Director of the Wage and Hour Division in Tampa, Florida, emphasized the need for employers to balance their business needs with their responsibilities towards young workers. Ratmiroff encouraged employers, parents, educators, and young workers to utilize the resources provided by the DOL to comprehend their obligations and rights under the law. 

In recent years, the DOL has ramped up its enforcement efforts in various states, including Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, assessing substantial penalties and conducting numerous child labor investigations. These actions underscore the DOL’s commitment to ensuring compliance with employment laws and protecting the welfare of minors in the workplace. 


Small and midsize business owners must be vigilant in adhering to employment laws, especially those related to the employment of minors. The penalties imposed by the DOL for violations serve as a reminder of the serious consequences that non-compliance can have on a business. It is crucial for businesses to prioritize legal compliance, maintain accurate records, and provide a safe and lawful work environment for all employees. Understanding and following employment laws is not only a legal obligation but also a fundamental step in promoting a fair and ethical workplace. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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