In recent news, the Department of Labor (DOL) achieved a significant victory in enforcing employment laws, highlighting the importance of compliance for businesses. An HVAC and plumbing business based in Las Vegas, found itself on the wrong side of the law when it failed to pay its employees the overtime wages, they were entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This misstep led to severe consequences for the employer, serving as a stark reminder to small and midsize business owners about the penalties they could face when breaking employment laws. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

HVAC and Plumbing Employer Fails to Pay 60 Employees Overtime 

The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division conducted a thorough investigation into the HVAC and plumbing business and uncovered deliberate violations. The company was found guilty of illegally paying its workers straight-time rates for overtime hours worked, which is a clear violation of federal labor laws. This action not only deprived workers of their rightful compensation but also landed the business in hot water with the authorities. 

The investigation revealed a troubling pattern within the HVAC and plumbing business. While the company did pay some workers their earned overtime wages, it inconsistently applied these payments, leaving others without their overtime premiums. This inconsistency in adhering to overtime regulations was a critical factor in the penalties imposed on the business. 

The Consequences 

The HVAC and plumbing business had to pay a substantial amount in back wages, damages, and civil money penalties. The DOL recovered a total of $60,444 in unpaid overtime wages for 60 employees who had been underpaid. In addition, the business was slapped with $60,444 in damages to compensate for the hardships these workers endured due to the unpaid overtime. Lastly, the company faced an additional $30,000 in civil money penalties, making the financial consequences of their actions even more severe. 

In the words of Higinio Ramos, the Wage and Hour Division District Director in Las Vegas, “Plumbing and HVAC industry employers must respect their employees’ rights to be paid as fully as the law requires regardless of whether they are paid hourly, piece rate, or per job.” This statement underscores the critical importance of fair compensation practices, regardless of the nature of the work or the type of employment. Employers must recognize and fulfill their legal responsibilities when it comes to paying their employees fairly and in compliance with employment laws. 

This case serves as a cautionary tale for small and midsize business owners across various industries. Compliance with employment laws is not optional; it is a legal and ethical obligation that must be taken seriously. Failing to adhere to these laws can lead to severe financial penalties, damages, and reputational damage. Therefore, it is imperative that business owners invest time and resources into understanding and adhering to federal labor regulations, ensuring that their employees receive the compensation they deserve. 


The DOL’s successful case against the HVAC and plumbing business emphasizes the need for all businesses, especially small and midsize enterprises, to take employment laws seriously. The penalties for breaking these laws are substantial and can have far-reaching consequences. As a responsible business owner, it is essential to prioritize compliance with employment laws and ensure that your employees are paid fairly and in accordance with legal requirements. Ignorance or negligence in this regard can lead to financial and legal troubles that are best avoided through proactive compliance measures. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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