In the realm of Business, it is crucial for employers to comply with employment laws, especially when it concerns the rights and fair treatment of workers. A recent federal court judgment against a farm labor contractor serves as a stark reminder of the financial and legal consequences that can result from violating regulations related to agricultural workers. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

Farm Labor Contractor Fined For Repeated H-2A Agricultural Worker Program Regulation Violations 

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) conducted three investigations into a farm labor contractor’s employment practices, revealing repeated violations of the H-2A agricultural worker program regulations. These violations included underpayment of workers, failure to provide proper meals and housing, inadequate transportation arrangements, and false statements made during the H-2A program’s certification process. 

The violations identified during investigations were deeply concerning, showing that the contractor failed to provide meals on Sundays and supplied farmworkers with insufficient and spoiled food. Additionally, the contractor housed farmworkers in quarters that did not meet safety and health requirements and failed to provide safe transportation to and from work locations. 

Moreover, the farm labor contractor violated the H-2A program’s three-fourths pay guarantee and made illegal requests for meal and voluntary quit waivers from H-2A workers. The contractor also failed to state the terms and conditions accurately and completely in job orders and work contracts. 

The Penalties  

The court’s judgment was a resounding affirmation of the seriousness of these violations. The farm labor contractor was ordered to pay a substantial amount in back wages and penalties, totaling over $1 million. Specifically, the court mandated payment of $558,298 in back wages to 649 farmworkers and imposed $475,211 in penalties for the repeated violations. 

In addition to these financial penalties, the court issued a permanent prohibition against the farm labor contractor for future H-2A program violations. This legal action serves as a powerful deterrent and a clear message to other farm labor contractors and growers about the significant costs and repercussions of violating federal regulations. 

For small and midsize business owners, this case underscores the imperative of adhering to employment laws and treating workers fairly and within the bounds of legal requirements. Compliance with regulations is not only a legal obligation but also a commitment to fostering a just and ethical work environment. 


This case stands as a testament to the Department of Labor’s determination to enforce labor laws and protect the rights of workers, particularly in vulnerable sectors like agriculture. Employers are urged to be diligent in adhering to the law, promoting fair treatment, and understanding the severe penalties that can be incurred for violations. Upholding workers’ rights is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental aspect of ethical and responsible business practices. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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