As a small or midsize business owner, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees. Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) conducted a series of inspections that uncovered serious violations by a construction contractor, sending a clear message about the severe penalties for breaking employment laws related to workplace safety.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Contractor Corporation Fined $333,052 After Violating 21 Health and Safety Standards

A framing and sheathing company was the subject of these inspections, and the results were alarming. The DOL’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) identified a total of 21 violations at six work sites in southern and central New Jersey during early 2023. The violations included a failure to provide or require the use of protective equipment to prevent falls from elevations greater than 6 feet, which is the leading cause of death in the construction industry.

In response to these serious safety concerns, OSHA initiated investigations in various locations. Shockingly, the company exposed its employees intentionally to falls of up to 30 feet by neglecting to provide the necessary personal protective equipment or ensuring the use of fall protection on-site, when available.

The consequences of these violations were severe. OSHA cited the construction contractor for 17 serious violations and four willful violations, resulting in proposed fines of $333,052. Willful violations indicate a blatant disregard for safety regulations, and penalties for such violations can be particularly substantial.

OSHA Area Director Paula Dixon-Roderick in New Jersey, expressed deep concern for the employees’ safety and urged the company to take immediate action to comply with the law and protect their workers. Failure to address these violations promptly could lead to devastating injuries or worse.

The construction contractor incorporated in 2022, specializes in providing framing and sheathing services at residential construction sites across New Jersey. As a business owner, it is essential to understand that regardless of the size of your business, compliance with safety regulations is non-negotiable.

If your business faces an OSHA inspection or citation, you have options for response. You have 15 business days from the receipt of citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA’s area director to discuss concerns, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.


The case of the construction contractor serves as a stern reminder of the importance of workplace safety compliance for small and midsize business owners. Prioritizing the well-being of your employees not only prevents potentially devastating accidents but also protects your business from costly fines and legal consequences.

Investing in safety measures and adhering to regulations ensures a positive work environment and fosters trust and loyalty among your workforce. Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and a safe workplace is a productive and successful one.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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