Operating a small or midsize business comes with numerous responsibilities, and one of the most critical aspects is ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees. Neglecting workplace safety not only puts your workers at risk but can also lead to substantial penalties and legal repercussions.

A recent incident at a food manufacturing facility in Wisconsin serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

The Incident and Investigation

In January 2023, a distressing incident occurred at a food manufacturing facility in WI. An employee suffered severe burns when a pump seal unexpectedly released steam and hot oil while workers were attempting to clear a blockage. In response to the incident, federal safety inspectors from OSHA initiated an investigation into the facility’s safety practices.

The investigation unveiled multiple safety hazards within the facility. The inspectors identified serious violations, including the failure of the food manufacturing facility to implement proper hazardous energy control procedures during maintenance operations involving blocked pumps and piping. Furthermore, workers were exposed to various hazards that jeopardized their safety:

  • Fall hazards resulting from broken guardrails, unprotected sides and edges of walking surfaces, and walking areas covered with production liquids.

  • Explosion hazards due to the accumulation of combustible dust, coupled with inadequate training for employees to recognize and address dust-related hazards.

  • Electrical hazards and the presence of unguarded pulleys, shafts, belts, and production equipment.

  • Unprotected hot steam and process pipes throughout the rendering area.

Citations and Penalties

OSHA took action by issuing citations to the food manufacturing facility for a total of three repeat and 10 serious safety and health violations. The agency proposed a staggering $296,668 in penalties. It’s noteworthy that the company had been previously cited for similar violations in both 2022 and 2019, indicating a pattern of disregard for safety protocols.

The Importance of Compliance and Safety Measures

OSHA’s Area Director Robert Bonack in Wisconsin highlighted the significance of adhering to safety procedures. He emphasized, “Failing to heed previous OSHA citations and correct deficiencies puts employees at risk.” Bonack also stressed the role of employers in preventing workplace injuries by following required safety protocols and ensuring that workers are trained to identify and mitigate potential hazards.

Enhanced Inspections for the Food Manufacturing Industry

The investigation at the food manufacturing facility was conducted under OSHA’s Local Emphasis Program (LEP) for Wisconsin’s food manufacturing industry. LEPs are initiated when OSHA identifies higher-than-average industry injury rates. Workers in the food manufacturing sector often face hazards related to inadequate machine guarding and lockout/tagout failures. These inspections encompass various shifts, sanitation operations, and cleaning contractors to comprehensively assess safety measures.


The incident at the food manufacturing facility facility underscores the critical importance of maintaining a safe working environment and complying with OSHA regulations. As a small or midsize business owner, your commitment to employee safety not only protects your workers but also safeguards your business from significant penalties and reputational damage. Implementing proper safety measures, providing thorough training, and addressing any identified hazards promptly are essential steps to creating a secure workplace for all. Remember, investing in safety today ensures a brighter and more sustainable future for both your employees and your business.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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