Safety in the workplace is a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. Recent incidents at a grain business in Illinois, highlight the dire consequences of disregarding federal safety standards. As a small or midsize business owner, understanding the ramifications of neglecting safety regulations is essential to protect your employees and your business.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Ignoring Safety Standards: An Unfortunate Incident

In February 2023, a 43-year-old employee at a grain elevator became trapped inside a grain bin for five harrowing hours. The employee was fortunate to escape with only minor injuries, thanks to the quick actions of co-workers and emergency responders. However, this incident brought to light the gravity of ignoring safety precautions in the workplace.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) launched an investigation into the incident at a grain business. The investigation revealed that the bin operator had exposed the employee to hazardous conditions by allowing entry into the bin without the required protective equipment, such as a safety harness or lanyard, while the bin’s screw auger was in motion. This violation of federal grain-handling safety standards had put the employee’s life in jeopardy.

Violations and Penalties

OSHA’s investigation uncovered multiple violations committed by the grain business. The company failed to provide fall protection to workers on grain platforms, lacked a hazardous communication program, neglected to inspect fire extinguishers and powered industrial trucks, and didn’t ensure that required machine guards were in place. Additionally, the company had not properly trained workers in emergency procedures, further exacerbating the risks.

For these violations, OSHA cited the company with two willful, ten serious, and three other-than-serious violations. The proposed penalties amounted to $272,957. The citations emphasized the company’s disregard for safety standards and the importance of prioritizing employee well-being.

Recurring Incidents: A Harsh Reminder

The grain business’s failure to adhere to safety standards became even more apparent when another employee was caught in a moving bin auger on July 12, 2023, just months after the initial incident. This second incident resulted in severe injuries, requiring a foot amputation. The ongoing investigation into this incident further underscores the company’s persistent negligence in maintaining a safe work environment.

Lessons for Business Owners

These incidents at the grain business serve as a sobering reminder for small and midsize business owners. Neglecting safety standards not only jeopardizes the well-being of your employees but also exposes your business to legal and financial consequences.

Prioritizing safety is not just a legal obligation; it’s a moral imperative. Establishing and maintaining safe work practices protects your workforce, fosters a positive work environment, and safeguards your business’s reputation. By adhering to industry-specific safety regulations and promoting a culture of safety, you create a workplace where employees can thrive without unnecessary risks.


The grain bin incidents underscore the critical importance of complying with federal safety standards. As a business owner, you have a responsibility to ensure that your workplace is safe and free from hazards.

By investing in safety training, proper equipment, and consistent adherence to regulations, you not only prevent potential tragedies but also create a workplace where your employees feel valued and protected. Remember, a commitment to safety is an investment that yields immeasurable returns in the form of employee well-being, operational efficiency, and overall business success.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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