Top Methods for Differentiating Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
In a tight labor market, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd. One way to differentiate your employer image. Your employee value proposition (EVP) helps you stand out to potential applicants, allowing you to attract more and better workers to...
Top Methods for Differentiating Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
In a tight labor market, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd. One way to differentiate your employer image. Your employee value proposition (EVP) helps you stand out to potential applicants, allowing you to attract more and better workers to...
HR Compliance Update | November 11, 2024
FEDERAL UPDATES Federal Contractors: Disclosure of 2021 Data. OFCCP published a notice in the Federal Register notifying federal contractors of two new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to disclose contractors’ EEO-1 Type 2 Reports for 2021. The requests also...
DOL Recovers $142,000 in Overtime Back Wages Owed to 65 Healthcare Workers for Misclassification
A healthcare business misclassified employees as independent contractors. In a recent investigation, the US Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (DOL) has successfully recovered $142,360 in back overtime wages for 65 healthcare workers in Oklahoma. These...
$294,000 in New OSHA Penalties – What to Learn From the Case
Nationwide discount retailer cited for repeat violations, faces $294,000 in new penalties. For the third time in three months, the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited one of the nation's largest discount retail...
Win the War for Talent With Employee Benefits: 2023 Data Reveals What’s Most Valued
A 2023 survey conducted by Georgetown University, in partnership with Bank of America, found that 53% of workers ages 24 to 35 would choose one employer over another based on the health insurance package offered. The health benefits and other job perks your business...
$82,500 Penalty for Business That Fired Employee for Voicing Opposition to Discriminatory Hiring Policies
As small and midsize business owners, it is crucial to understand the severe penalties that can arise from violating employment laws. A recent settlement involving a federal contractor, serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of engaging in discriminatory...
Are Written Job Descriptions Worth It?
Job descriptions play a pivotal role in the hiring process, providing a clear understanding of job requirements and responsibilities. This article explores the significance of written job descriptions and their impact on company growth. By analyzing our 2023 HR survey...
$171,884 in OSHA Penalties for Mid-sized Manufacturer for Inadequate Safety Protections
As a small or midsize business owner, ensuring compliance with employment laws and maintaining a safe work environment is paramount. Recent incidents serve as sobering reminders of the potential penalties businesses face for disregarding employee safety. A case...
What Manufacturers Should Know About the ADA’s Exception for ‘Transitory and Minor’ Impairments
By Maurice G. Jenkins, James M. Stone, Andrew D. Kinghorn & Nicholas B. McGrath with Jackson Lewis P.C. Under the Americans With Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), employers have a viable defense to an Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) “regarded as”...
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Whether Title VII Protects Employees Contending Discriminatory Transfer
By Stephanie L. Adler-Paindiris & Stephanie E. Satterfield with Jackson Lewis P.C. The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in forced transfer decisions without also requiring a showing that the transfer...
Employee Speech and Social Media Policies: NLRB Guidelines for Employers
In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful platform for individuals to express their opinions and engage in discussions. This includes employees who may use social media to share their thoughts about their employers, workplace conditions, or even...
$277K in Proposed OSHA Penalties for Food Manufacturer
Running a small or midsize business comes with a range of responsibilities, including ensuring compliance with employment laws and maintaining a safe work environment. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in severe penalties and harm to employees. A...
$252,768 Penalty for Midsize Business in EEOC Sex Discrimination Suit
As small and midsize business owners, it is essential to be aware of the severe penalties that can result from violating employment laws. A recent settlement involving a manufacturer of plastic bottles and containers with about 500 employees, sheds light on the...
Why Employee Retention is the Key to Company Growth
“Our belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff, like great customer service or building a great long-term brand or empowering passionate employees and customers, will happen on its own.” – Tony Hsieh Not only is retention a foundation for...
$55,600 OSHA Penalty for Helicopter Business Breaking Whistleblower Law
Running a small or midsize business comes with numerous responsibilities, including compliance with employment laws and regulations. Failure to adhere to these laws can result in severe penalties and legal consequences. A recent case involving a South Dakota-based...
Outsourcing HR (How Much Money Can You Save?)
Navigating the complexities of human resources (HR) can be daunting for small business owners. With limited resources and budgets, it's challenging to have a certified HR professional on staff. That's where our services come in. We offer flexible HR support tailored...
EEOC Files Lawsuit Against Contractor for Age Discrimination
As small and midsize business owners, it is crucial to understand the implications of violating employment laws, particularly those pertaining to age discrimination. A recent lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against a commercial...
HR Compliance Update | July 18, 2023
FEDERAL UPDATESEEO-1 Deadline Extension: Shortly before the anticipated “mid-July” opening of the EEO-1 reporting portal, the EEOC quietly posted a new timeline on its website. The portal will now open sometime in “Fall 2023”. In past years the...
Business Must Pay $25,000 to Worker Who Sought Protected Leave
Running a small or midsize business comes with various challenges, including ensuring compliance with employment laws. One crucial aspect is understanding the penalties associated with violating these laws. In a recent case involving a railway business, the U.S....
Is Applicant Tracking Software Worth It?
In the realm of recruitment, the use of technology has become increasingly prevalent, with applicant tracking software (ATS) taking center stage. This article delves into the significance of ATS and its impact on company growth. By examining...
How the U.S. Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action in Student Admissions Decision Affects Employers
By Tanya A. Bovée, John M. Bryson, Matthew J. Camardella, Michael R. Hatcher, Monica H. Khetarpal, Samia M. Kirmani, Laura A. Mitchell, Michael D. Thomas & Carol R. Ashley with Jackson Lewis P.C. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the use of race...
Easy Steps to Implement Earned Wage Access for Small Business Owners
As a small business owner, the idea of implementing an earned wage access (EWA) program might seem daunting at first. However, the reality is that the process is much simpler than you might think. In fact, with the right EWA provider, you can streamline the...
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