Growth Hacker’s Blog

A business owner’s guide to effective, compliant workforce management

IRS Introduces ACA Wizard to Help Employers Navigate New Regulations

For employers, addressing and planning around the changes that come with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is crucial. Failure to comply with the ACA can result in harsh penalties and choosing a health care policy for your company can be difficult. Fortunately, this...

Four Simple Payroll Mistakes Every Company Makes and How to Avoid Them

Despite everyone's best efforts, common payroll mistakes plague every company. With the IRS devoting extra resources to close the tax gap, companies must be more vigilant than ever in order to avoid costly employment tax penalties. At Payroll Specialties NW, we have...

Payroll Specialties Northwest Celebrates National Payroll Week

The first week of this September marks the 17th annual National Payroll Week, a celebration that recognizes America’s hardworking payroll service providers and their collaboration with businesses and workers across the country. Payroll service companies like Payroll...

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Payroll Service Provider

Do you get a headache every time you think about the hundreds of legal and regulatory changes that occur in payroll processing each year? Do tax calculations make you nervous and keep you up at night? As a business owner, why spend your time on administrative...

Save Time and Money with Automated Timekeeping

Automated timekeeping is one of the easiest ways to save your business time and money by making your payroll more accurate and efficient. With time tracking software, valuable employee time will no longer be wasted totaling and verifying time cards. Instead, automated...

HR Holiday Q and A

With the holiday season fast approaching, we thought it would be appropriate to republish this article originally created by our sister HR company, Personnel Management Systems (PMSI). Like many things in HR, simple questions often require complex answers. If in...

Don’t blow your top: Coping with stress at work

It's a little known fact that August 24th is Vesuvius Day. On this day in 79AD the infamous volcano buried the town of Pompeii under a cloud of toxic gas followed by a flow of hot rock and ash. Sometimes frustrations at work can make us feel like a volcano ready to...

5 Key Steps to Building Team Energy

This month's blog post is provided by Carl Robinson, Ph.D., Advanced Leadership ConsultingA few years ago, a client of mine was leading the marketing department of a major financial services firm: high profile, internationally respected brand. Many of his people...

Your Company Needs an Employee Handbook!

An Employee Handbook is an efficient and consistent tool for managing the complex employee/employer relationship.Employee handbooks can help accomplish the following: Improve Company CommunicationsEmployee handbooks provide an excellent and comprehensive way to...

Encouraging Health and Wellness at Work

The new year is a great time to encourage employees to meet health and fitness goals. Many want to participate in wellness programs, but may feel it's too hard, unfamiliar or inconvenient. Employers and managers may see a wellness program as a frivolous cost with no...

Paycards: Advantages for ‘Banked’ Employees too!

Employers and employees alike often think that paycards are mainly for those who either can not get or don't want a bank account. For these 'unbanked' employees it certainly is much easier and cost-effective for them to receive their pay on a paycard then by a paper...

The Value of Activity-Based Workstations in the Digital Workplace

How to work in the right place for each task Activity-based working (ABW) is a growing trend in global corporations. Simply put, in an activity-based workplace, employees do not have assigned desks or offices. Instead, they choose the type of workstation they need at...

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