Navigating Growth Plateaus as a Small Business: Crossing the Black Hole
Many businesses focus solely on revenue growth, but this approach carries many downsides. Growing revenue only matters if it helps you add to your company’s profits. Sometimes, companies increase revenue without considering the added labor costs incurred. Once...
Navigating Growth Plateaus as a Small Business: Crossing the Black Hole
Many businesses focus solely on revenue growth, but this approach carries many downsides. Growing revenue only matters if it helps you add to your company’s profits. Sometimes, companies increase revenue without considering the added labor costs incurred. Once...
HR Compliance Update | October 23, 2024
FEDERAL UPDATES Federal Contractors – Minimum Wage (eff. 1/1/25). The DOL announced that the minimum wage for federal contract workers subject to Executive Order 14026 will increase from $17.20 to $17.75 per hour starting January 1. Contracts entered into, renewed,...
I9 – New Form FAQ’s
We receive a lot of questions about the I-9—the form used to verify the identity and employment authorization of all individuals hired for employment in the United States. Here are some of the most common:1: Is The New Form Available Now?Yes. The new I-9 form was...
The Affordable Care Act is Changing In 2017
The Affordable Care Act is Changing In 2017The Affordable Care health insurance landscape may look completely different in 2017. It is highly unlikely that any material changes will happen for the 2017 coverage year (for which Open Enrollment is taking place now.) But...
EmpowerTax Changes – Client Base Sold: What It Means for You
At the end of 2016, we started hearing from EmpowerTax clients, looking for alternatives for their payroll tax processing. Some want our Payroll Tax Management service, and some want our software – either option is available, depending on your needs. Although the...
Raises & Bonuses – Should they be tied to performance entirely?
Question:Our senior leadership team wants to focus on compensation this quarter. Currently, our raises and bonuses are tied to performance. Can you help me to understand the HR best practices for raises based on performance vs. raises based on market factors?...
I9 Documentation & New Form Information – What do we do if a newly hired employee doesn’t have the proper documentation?
Question: A newly-hired employee cannot come up with proper identification for the Form I-9. He has presented an expired state ID, but no other documentation. I assume we can’t accept the expired documentation. Can we still have him work or should we let him go?...
Tools That Fully Engage Your Entire Workforce
Competition for top talent is forcing employers looking for "the best and the brightest" to seek them out wherever they are, not just where the company might be located. As that becomes more prevalent, it's incumbent upon employers to leverage every potential avenue...
Fight Commercial Real Estate Trends with Sensor Technology
Your office space is one of the most important aspects of your company’s day-to-day life. It’s where your employees gather each day to spark innovative business ideas, and since employees spend at least one third of their days at work, it can be a kind of second home....
Federal Law Alert – Exempt Classification Change Injunction
Click Here For Audio OverviewSummary: Tuesday afternoon, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on the Department of Labor’s new overtime rules, which were slated to go into effect in...
Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks New FLSA White Collar Exemption Overtime Rule
On Wednesday, November 22, Judge Amos Mazzant III of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas granted a preliminary injunction that blocks the December 1 implementation of the revised FLSA overtime rule nationwide. The updated overtime rule was set to...
The Overtime Rule has been blocked. What now?
A federal court on Tuesday blocked an Obama administration rule to extend mandatory overtime pay to more than 4 million salaried workers. The rule was set to take effect on December 1. Granting a motion for a nationwide injunction, U.S. District Court Judge Amos...
Hot-desking – The End of The Road?
Chris Kane - A Workplace ProvocateurHot-Desking is a phrase that scares the living daylights out of a lot of hard pressed office workers. Not only do they have to endure the tedium of lengthy commutes and the endless challenges of day to day office work but for many...
Keeping HR Managers Sane During the Holiday Season
Halloween is over, meaning you’re scheduling the kids’ next dentist appointments and—if you’re in HR—preparing for the barrage of time off requests headed your way. If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to start thinking of a game plan, because let’s face...
Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors
Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors, requires certain parties that contract with the Federal Government to provide their employees with up to seven days of paid sick leave annually, including paid leave allowing for family care....
Employers: You Can Use the Current Form I-9 Through Jan. 21, 2017
An important message from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: USCIS will publish the revised Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, by Jan. 22, 2017. Employers may continue using Form I-9 dated 03/08/2013 N. through Jan. 21, 2017. By Jan. 22, 2017,...
Automated Time and Attendance Solutions for the Modern Workplace
Today’s workforce is changing, with millennials now making up the largest percentage of its employees. This creates a bigger need for remote work, hoteling, and other modern human capital management solutions. Modern technology enables communication and collaboration...
3 HCM Market Trends That Enable Total Workforce Management
It's said that employees don't work for companies—they work for leaders. Or more specifically, they work for people. Distilled down to its essence, that statement implies that employees are interested in a stimulating and culturally engaging work life. Gone are the...
EXEMPT OR NON-EXEMPT – “What is the Easiest way to communicate the new overtime rules?” December 1st is just around the corner
Common Questions We're Hearing:Business Owner:I’m trying to think of the easiest way to deal with the new overtime rules. We have employees working in many locations, so I was thinking I could just send a company-wide email telling ALL employees that their overtime...
2016 Year-end Payroll Deadlines Announced
For 2016, the IRS is requiring that Forms W-2 and 1099-MISC be filed by January 31, 2017, which is a month earlier than in prior years. To meet this new deadline, all due dates leading up to it must also be earlier. Savers Admin is committed to meeting this important...
ACA Compliance – Are You Ready?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) runs 11,000 pages and is divided into 10 titles. Complying with this landmark law has been challenging for employers, as it contains many wide-ranging provisions that are being phased in through to 2020. Most...
Official Information About ACA – November 2016
Official Information About ACA – November 2016Latest Analysis of 2017 Premiums & insurer Participation Provided by Healthcare.gov & Data Collected From States Running Their Own Exchange WebsitesInsurer Participation in the AFA Health Insurance...
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