Growth Hacker’s Blog

A business owner’s guide to effective, compliant workforce management

New Overtime Rule

The changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime provision have caused concern among many of our clients.  Questions range from what the changes actually are, who they apply to, and how to prepare for them.  We have compiled answers to a few high...

ACA Reporting Vital for Employers

What is ACA Reporting? Congress says that the IRS needs to make sure that employers are either offering affordable, minimum value or essential coverage plans to their full time employees or are paying the penalty tax.  The new legislation requires...

EEO1 – New Federal Law Alert

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has announced that it will require employers with 100 or more employees to submit summary pay data and total hours worked for the year as part of the annual EEO-1 report.The first report, capturing data from 2017,...

Harassment and Hostile Work Environment — In the News

Recently, KVUE, Austin's affiliate TV station, reached out to our firm inquiring how HR is handling harassment and hostile work environment situations for its clients.    Click here to see our own, David Hughen's interview and comments on this topic.   Everyone seems...

The Down-low on Sick Time and its Impact on Your Company

In the age of Internet enlightenment, the world is literally at your fingertips. YouTube tutorials can teach you anything from how to change a lightbulb to how to write intricate code. And while a simple Google search will alert you to the population of Turkmenistan...

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Important Recordkeeping Information

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Important Recordkeeping Information: Employers subject to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements (employers with 50 or more full-time and full-time equivalent (FTE) employees) should be maintaining a secured monthly compliance binder or...

Exempt vs. Nonexempt: Which One is Which?

If your job is classified as nonexempt, your employer has to adhere to the FLSA laws. You’re required to receive minimum wage pay ($7.25 per hour as of July 24, 2009), and any time worked over 40 hours a week is considered overtime. Overtime is compensated as time and...

Upcoming OSHA Rule Changes

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a new final rule revising its Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses regulation. The rule will require certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data. It also...

So Long, Summer: Returning to the Daily Grind

Summer can be one of the most difficult times to manage employees. Many take family vacations—or simply want to doing recreational activities in the warm weather instead of sitting under fluorescent lights staring at computer screens. The summer months can often lead...

Q & A: What is at-will employment?

In every U.S. state except Montana, employment is presumed to be at-will, meaning either the employer or the employee can legally terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause. The employer has not guaranteed...

The Future of the Affordable Care Act

With November fast approaching, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) faces a huge challenge: can it survive past President Obama’s last term in office? Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has promised to “defend and expand” the ACA, making a “public option” available and...

Department of Labor Penalty Increases

In November of 2015, Congress passed the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act, requiring federal agencies to increase their civil penalties to account for inflation. Many agencies had not done so in more than a decade. This initial...

Musical Chairs: How to Help Employees Enjoy Hot Desking

Hot desking, also called hoteling, is currently one of the biggest trends in office culture. The idea behind hot desking—which basically means employees can sit wherever they want—is that employees have opportunities to experience different office areas and talk to...

And Now This…Pokemon Go In The Workplace

So, we have a new social game craze to contend with as it encroaches on the workplace. What's an employer to do? Where should the lines be drawn to ensure performance is held to a high standard while allowing employees to have a bit of fun? In practical ways,...

Training: Cornerstone of a Successful Workplace

Training can be a tedious task for employees and employers, but there’s nothing more vital to a company’s success. Training educates workers on new technology and legal requirements, promotes health and safety, and gives employees opportunities to grow and develop in...

Navigating the Complex Sea of ACA Compliance

Six years after being signed into law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is still one of the most important aspects of healthcare for employers. 2016 was the first year that employers were required to report on ACA compliance. This complicated process can understandably...

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