10 Tips to Ensure HR Compliance at Your Small Business
For your company to do its best, your HR policies must be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Unfortunately, this can be challenging for many small businesses. There are just so many different regulations that it can be hard to keep up. When companies...
10 Tips to Ensure HR Compliance at Your Small Business
For your company to do its best, your HR policies must be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Unfortunately, this can be challenging for many small businesses. There are just so many different regulations that it can be hard to keep up. When companies...
Best Practices for Setting HR Priorities at Your Small Business
When businesses reach a point where they have 16 to 49 employees, certain compliance laws start to kick in. You need to prepare for additional laws and regulations as early as you can. Additionally, this is a good time to get your organizational culture, employee...
Creative Collaboration Trends
One of the keys to effective collaboration is to provide a functional, yet inspirational space where employees want to meet and can do so efficiently. Tight cubicles and and dingy, fluorescent-lit conference rooms are not conducive to collaboration and certainly don’t...
Verifying Employee Social Security Numbers is Crucial for Payroll
Nearly every American citizen has one, but it can be difficult sometimes for people to remember their Social Security number. This is especially true when under pressure to complete important employment documentation or when the physical card is unavailable for...
New York State Minimum Wage Reimbursement Credit
Employers that employ students in New York State who are least 16 but not yet 20 years of age and are paid at the New York minimum wage rate may be entitled to a refundable tax credit if the student was employed for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, and...
Q & A: What is the difference between an exempt employee and a non-exempt employee?
What is the difference between an exempt employee and a non-exempt employee? “Exempt” and “non-exempt” are employee classifications under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)—a federal law dating back to 1938 that requires certain employees to receive minimum wage and...
People Success in an Agile Workplace
Achieving WorkFORCE Results Through Smart WorkPLACE Initiatives The business landscape is ever-changing. Although cliché, that statement could not be truer than in today’s work environment. We are in the middle of a workplace revolution. Globalization of markets and...
How Evolving Technology Can Help you Stay FLSA and ACA Compliant
Keeping track of your employees’ hours has never been more important, especially since the 2015 enactment of Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA). In order for your company to be FLSA (Fair Labor and Standards Act) and ACA compliant, keeping detailed and accurate records...
Q & A: Can you bring on unpaid interns for the summer?
Can you bring on unpaid interns for the summer? Unpaid internships are permissible if they meet very specific criteria, but employers should proceed with extreme caution.The Department of Labor has a six-part test for determining whether interns may be unpaid....
Redefining HCM for the forward-thinking workplace
Adapting a forward-thinking approach toward human capital management (HCM) means that now more than ever, company leaders need to consider their employees’ preferences. By 2020, industries will be looking to fill 85 million jobs and because of this, thinking now about...
Managing Your Workforce Just Got easier!
Developed by service bureau professionals, our fully integrated Evolution® Payroll, HR, and Tax Management software offers service providers a path to growth and success with unparalleled accuracy, productivity, and financial control.Backed by over 14 years of ongoing...
IRS ACA Health Care Tax Tips for the Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions
(IRS Health Care Tax Tip 2016-32, March 16, 2016 – Updated March 21, 2016) The health care law includes the employer shared responsibility provisions, which require applicable large employers to offer health coverage to full-time employees and their dependents. Those...
FLSA Exempt Employee Minimum Salary Changes – Doing the Math
It may be confusing but, as you have probably heard, the Department of Labor is planning to dramatically raise the minimum salary requirement for employees to qualify as exempt under the “White Collar Exemptions.” It’s possible this new minimum will be as high as...
Onboarding made easy with Liftoff Employee Onboarding
LiftOff Employee Onboarding Video!
Austin HR Gives Back — Announcing Spring Session of Career Transitions
Austin HR's Cofounder, David Hughen, is hosting a seventh year of Career Transitions - a free to the public five week session, designed to help Austin area professionals who are considering their 'next'. This program is made available as a gift to the community....
Austin Passes “Ban the Box” Ordinance
Yesterday, Austin’s city council passed what is considered a very controversial ordinance requiring private employers to remove “the box” on their employment applications requesting applicants to disclose whether they have a criminal history or not when applying for...
Tech trends to watch: Resource Scheduling
Is your calendering spreadsheet at your office nearly indecipherable? There is an easier way to manage business activities and projects. Resource scheduling, a tech trend on the rise, is an organizational tool that can funnel all of your company’s resource allocation...
Q & A: How to Calculate the Actual Cost of an Employee?
Does your business want to calculate the actual cost of an employee to help with cost analysis, bidding jobs, and pro forma financial statements? Determining the "true cost" of an employee is more complex than most people realize. First, you need to determine...
On-demand hiring: Tools to help manage your contingent workforce
There are shocking numbers of contingent workers in the U.S. Last year the U.S. Government Accountability Office reported that 40.2% of American workers were contingent workers. This means that a significant portion of the U.S. workforce is comprised of part-time,...
Humble Leaders are the Most Effective
We, at Austin HR, are always looking for humble HR professionals. This trait isn't always easily found. While it's important to be able to lead a team and provide strategic guidance, the willingness and humility to roll one's sleeves up is truly where the rubber...
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for Qualified Organizations Extended
The IRS released Notice 2016-22 (click here for PDF of notice) which provides guidance and transition relief on the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) as part of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH Act). The PATH Act extends the WOTC through...
Sometimes the best work gets done outside of the traditional 9-5 work day. Business in the modern era is often transacted across several time zones. Employees are increasingly working whenever and however they can to meet the demands of both local clients and those...
Unlock your growth potential
Talk with one of experts to explore how Asure can help you reduce administrative burdens and focus on growth.