Growth Hacker’s Blog

A business owner’s guide to effective, compliant workforce management

What Employers Need To Know About Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

The Supreme Court on Friday (June 26, 2015) ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, meaning that same-sex marriages must be recognized nationwide. The ruling will have vast implications for employers, which until now have been operating under...

Questions on Health Care Reform Requirements & Mandates?

Healthcare Reform, PPACA, ACA, oh my. There are so many questions and so much to understand even those that work with benefits on regular basis find it daunting. We've found The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation website has some great resources. Most noteworthy to...

Supreme Court Ruling – Healthcare Reform Subsidies Legal

Today’s Supreme Court ruling and message to employers is that subsidies are legal and employers need to continue to comply with PPACA. The PPACA rules and regulations that employers know and anticipate are not changing as a result of today’s decision. As such, it’s...

OSHA’s New Guidance on Transgender Restroom Access

What employers need to be aware of related to transgender restroom access:The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that all employers under its jurisdiction provide employees with sanitary and available toilet...

California Mandatory Sick Leave Accrual begins July 1st

In less than a month, on July 1, employees in California will begin to accrue paid sick leave under the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act, also known as the California Paid Sick Leave Law. The new law mandates that employees who work 30 or more days within a...

5 Steps for Compensation Across Generations

(This article originally appeared as a Talent Alignment Blog By Sara Pollock of ClearCompany. At Austin HR, we tailor compensation solutions to fit the unique nature of how our clients run their business and how to maximize the potential of their workforce. Ms....

5 Reasons You’re Over-Thinking Your Leadership Decisions

(This article originally appeared in 'The People Equation' blog by Jennifer Miller)How much time each week do you spend making decisions? Likely, many of the choices you make are almost automatic, requiring little thought: attend that meeting or not? Stay late to...

How the Workforce Works Today

Turn the clock back to the ‘70s and 80s for just a moment. Remember when your mother or father left the house for work each weekday? Remember what time they returned home from work at the end of their day? How did your parents get to work? Did they take a lunch break...

NC FUTA Tax Rate to Decrease for 2015 Tax Year

North Carolina's governor, Pat McCrory, has announced that North Carolina has paid off its federal unemployment insurance debt. As a result, North Carolina will not be a federal credit reduction state in the 2015 tax year. North Carolina employers will pay federal...

Biometrics: The Next Great Workplace Technology

By: Tom Loveland, Global SVP of Product Strategy If you like 007 or Mission Impossible movies like I do, then you’ve seen biometrics at work – at least the Hollywood version of biometrics. Eye scanners, fingerprint readers, and facial-recognition systems are Ethan...

Millennials – Are employers managing this shift taking place?

This year, the “Millennial” generation is projected to surpass the outsized Baby Boom generation as the nation’s largest living generation, according to the population projections released by the U.S. Census Bureau last month. Millennials (whom we define as between...

Air Travel and Productivity

By: Tom Loveland, Global SVP of Product Strategy Before air travel was ever introduced to the masses, it was evident that taking a plane ride was more designed for business than for leisure. In fact, air travel caters, in large part, to business travelers who need to...

Juggling Multiple Summer Vacation Requests

You want to support employees by providing the opportunity for work/life harmony, but you also have customers to service and a business to run. Sometimes it is difficult to juggle multiple vacation requests around popular vacation times, especially during the summer...

New and Enhanced Payroll Employee Portal Adds Mobile Access

The Employee Self-Serve website has a new address and a new look. Now called the Payroll Employee Portal, the site allows employees to access their pay information from a computer and their mobile devices! The Payroll Employee Portal allows employees to see their pay...

Spring Cleaning Your Leadership Checklist

In a recent edition of the New York Times, Daniel Goleman summarized his key list of leadership imperatives. There's no breakthrough learnings in Mr. Goleman's list but it serves as a constant reminder of the distinction between managing and leading. Spring...

There’s A New Way to Work – Get Used to It!

By: Steven Rodriguez, Chief Operating Officer There’s a new way to work and I’m not talking about your commute to the office. Actually, when you look at work trends closely, there are several new ways to work.The movements I’m talking about include: Working from home...

Is It Time to Put the Performance Review on a PIP?

Recently, the Society of Human Resources posted the following article which continues the movement towards alternative performance management processes that more realistically reflect the nature of how work is performed and communications around performance are more...

Maximizing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program at Your Organization

By Joe Karbowski, Global SVP of Technology The term BYOD first emerged in 2009. That’s when Intel first recognized that many of its own employees chose to use their personal mobile phones instead of an IT-approved device. Today, around 60% of U.S. employees say they...

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