A roofing contractor in Ohio is facing a substantial financial penalty of more than $548,000 for recurrently failing to ensure the safety of its employees from hazardous falls. The roofing contractor faced multiple instances of exposing workers to deadly fall hazards at various residential roofing job sites. Shockingly, these incidents occurred despite the availability of fall protection equipment on site. 

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Contractor Fails to Protect Employees From Deadly Fall Hazards 

Over a span of less than three months in 2023, U.S. Department of Labor inspectors documented four separate occasions where workers were at risk, facing deadly fall hazards of up to 19 feet. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducted investigations in March, April, and June, leading to the identification of eight willful and two repeat violations. 

The roofing contractor’s operator has a concerning track record of neglecting workplace safety regulations. This recent case adds to a series of citations issued to these companies since 2018. 

OSHA Area Director Howard Eberts in Cleveland emphasized, “The operator continues his dangerous pattern of ignoring federal safety standards and exposing his workers to potentially serious and fatal injuries.” 

Employee Protection 

Inspectors found that despite having access to fall protection equipment, workers were consistently exposed to fall hazards. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that falls from elevation were a significant cause of fatalities in the construction industry, highlighting the critical need for adherence to safety regulations, particularly in residential construction work. 

This case serves as a stark reminder for small and midsize business owners, especially those in the roofing industry, to prioritize workplace safety and strictly adhere to safety protocols. Negligence in implementing safety measures not only puts the lives of workers at risk but also leads to severe financial penalties and legal ramifications. 


The penalties imposed on the roofing contractor underscore the critical importance of maintaining a safe work environment. Roofing contractors and businesses across various industries must prioritize employee safety and ensure strict compliance with safety regulations. 

Investing in comprehensive safety training, enforcing the use of safety equipment, and fostering a culture of safety awareness within the workplace are crucial steps for every business. Adhering to these practices not only protects employees but also shields the business from costly penalties and potential legal battles. 

Remember, the safety of employees should always be a top priority. Stay informed about safety regulations, prioritize compliance, and create a secure working environment for all. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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