Operating a small or midsize business comes with a myriad of responsibilities, including ensuring compliance with employment laws and providing fair compensation to employees. A recent case involving a winery sheds light on the importance of adhering to legal pay practices and highlights the potential consequences of non-compliance, as enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

Examining Unlawful Pay Practices

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division conducted an investigation into the winery, located in TX, and uncovered violations of federal employment laws. The investigation revealed that the employer engaged in unlawful practices related to tip distribution, wage calculation, and child labor.

Tip Pool Violation and Wage Miscalculation

The winery faced violations due to their mishandling of employee tips. The employer had shared workers’ tips with ineligible employees as quarterly bonuses, which resulted in the invalidation of the tip credit. Consequently, this led to minimum wage violations for affected employees. The winery also misclassified certain salaried employees as exempt, failing to include bonuses, commissions, and tips paid to ineligible employees and managers in their regular rate of pay when calculating overtime.

Child Labor Violations

In addition to wage-related violations, the investigation revealed that the winery had employed minors, aged 14 and 15, during hours and conditions that are not legally permitted. Furthermore, the minors worked more hours per week than allowed by law. The employer’s failure to adhere to child labor regulations led to the assessment of $1,582 in penalties.

Recovery of Back Wages and Damages

As a result of the investigation, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division was able to recover $79,263 in owed wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages for a total of 69 workers who were affected by the winery’s unlawful pay practices.

The Importance of Compliance

Wage and Hour District Director Jesus A. Valdez in Dallas emphasized the significance of maintaining proper pay practices and accurate records. He stated, “The department will pursue corrective action vigorously to ensure accountability, deter future violations, and prevent violators from gaining a competitive advantage.”

Lessons for Business Owners

The Winery case offers valuable insights for business owners, regardless of the size of their operations:

  • Understand and adhere to employment laws related to wages, tips, and overtime.

  • Properly classify employees to determine eligibility for exemptions and benefits.

  • Maintain accurate records of hours worked, pay rates, and payroll information.

  • Educate managers and employees about employment regulations to prevent inadvertent violations.

  • Prioritize compliance to ensure fair treatment of employees and avoid legal penalties.


The Winery case underscores the essential role of proper pay practices and compliance with employment laws. Business owners must prioritize fair compensation and adhere to legal standards to create a workplace environment that respects employees’ rights and fosters their well-being. By understanding and following these laws, businesses not only avoid financial repercussions but also contribute to a culture of trust and professionalism within their organizations.

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here.

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