Guide to ERTC

Do You Qualify?

Join us for an informative webinar on the “Guide to ERTC: What’s at Stake, Who is Eligible, and How to File.” The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a valuable program introduced in the CARES Act to support businesses impacted by the pandemic. In this session, we will explore the eligibility criteria for the ERTC and guide you through the filing process. Discover the interplay of ERTC with other programs such as PPP and FFCRA paid leave. We will debunk common misconceptions and myths surrounding the ERTC, providing clarity on how to maximize your benefits. Don’t miss this opportunity to navigate the complexities of the ERTC and access the financial support your business deserves.



Hello, everyone. My name is Mike Vannoy. I’m the Vice President of Product and Marketing Asure, and I wanna welcome you to today’s webinar, the Guide to Employee Retention Tax Credits, where we attempt to answer the question, do you qualify where you can retroactively apply for tax credits up to $5,000 per employee in 2020, up to $7,000 per quarter. That’s $28,000 per employee in 2021. So let’s begin. Today, we’re gonna unpack the latest ebook that we have just published. If you hop on our website, Asure you see a screenshot here. I would encourage you, if you haven’t already, hop on the website, download it, follow along. We, we’ve tried to make this a really simple guide that explicitly explains what is e r tc you know, what, what is the time period that covers how do you calculate qualifying wages?

How do you then actually apply face credits in the form of tax returns and, and get your money? As well as I think maybe the, the most helpful deliverable, not just a bunch of texts to read, to learn more about it, but some actual decision trees that can really help you navigate and to determine whether you are or are not eligible. So, encourage you to download it, follow along. I’m not gonna read every word for word, but we are gonna pull some of the key elements outta here and really try to break this down for you. So let’s start at the beginning. The employee 10, the, the employee retention tax credit. What, what are the basics? So, what is E R T C? So, obviously it’s an acronym, employee Retention Tax Credits. It, it originated out of the CARES Act.

 So that’s March 27th, I believe, of 2020, right? So COVID hit US First. Death in America, I think was up in Seattle end of February. And in the following two and three weeks, all of a sudden, our lives changed probably forever in, in many ways, right? And so you had two massive pieces of legislation, F F C R A families First Coronavirus Response Act, and then the CARES Act. And part of the CARES Act had two really big pieces of stimuluses stimulus to try to help small businesses. Number one was P P P. And so we’ve done a ton of webinars, published a ton of content on P P P loans, that’s the payroll protection paycheck protection plan. And then the other, it’s still far less known. Lots of education. We’re doing our very best to get this in front of every single customer, every, every, every small business and mid-sized company that we know to learn more about it this year.

But it’s still a huge percent of the audience does not know a lot of small businesses still don’t know about this program that is gigantic stimulus in form of employee tax retention tax credits. And so, what I would say is P P P is probably the single biggest small business and mid-sized business stimulus program that has ever existed in US history. And this is number two. In, in, in P P P sucked all the oxygen out of the room in 2020, in still, even in with, with a new legislation of P P p second draw P P P in 2021 still sucked all the acquisition out of their own. And so the, the, this is still a gigantic source of stimulus that can help companies survive who are coming out of a, a really, really dark time.

For some people, this can also be the stimulus to really stimulate growth and, and get companies growing again. So, so, but what is it, it’s probably the second largest piece of stimulus that has ever been provided in US history in, in, and that’s why we’re so passionate about this and trying to get as many companies, clients and others informed so they can get these credits that they are legally entitled to, entitled to, and, and, and can fund their business to, to get growing. So what period of time does it cover? We’re gonna talk more details about it. There’s a 2020 period, there’s a 2021 period. We’ll, we’ll, like I say, we’ll get more detail, but really this goes from the end of March, the last couple days of March, actually technically roll into the Q2 period of 2020. So Q2 three and four of 2020 and q1 two, three, and four, all.

So all year for 2021 we talked about how much the credits are worth you know, up to $5,000 per employee for the year, for 2020 up to $7,000 per employee times four quarters. That’s $28,000 per employee for 2021. And when is this program gonna end? So as, as of right now, according to the American Rescue Plan Act, that’s arpa, that’s the, the most ma the latest major piece of legislation that the, in the Biden administration that amended the CARES Act in the Consolidated Appropriations Act in the Trump administration by law today, this thing ends end of the year. So erc er GC credits go through end of q4. There is a piece of legislation. It’s house of Representatives Bill 36 84. You probably don’t know that <laugh>, but you probably have seen the news and, and heard about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

So there’s, there’s certainly lots of stuff about infrastructure in in, in Bill 36 84. There’s also tons of stuff that is not specifically just about in, in infrastructure. And I’m not, this is not a political commentary. We, we do not lean left or right, red or blue at, at ashore. We only lean towards small businesses and midsize companies helping you get the information and stimulus that you need, but just eyes wide open, you, you, you need to understand that HR 36 84, it passed the House of Representatives. It went to like about a month ago, and then maybe almost two months ago now last I guess it’s three weeks ago, it did pass the Senate, but in a different form. One of the things that came out of the Senate version of the bill was walking back Q4 2021 E R T C.

 So this bill proposes that if this thing passes that e r TC is not gonna be a, a thing even in Q4 of 2021. And so here we are, we’re, you know, late August, we’re more than halfway through q3. So we’re all kind of anxiously awaiting to see what’s gonna happen, to see if this is gonna, the program is gonna, in fact, continue to run through the end of the year as, as the American Rescue Plan Act, or laid it out or if this thing’s gonna gonna end early. So Congress the Senate, I think is on recess. I think they returned something like September 13th. And so this thing is in reconciliation between, to, to try to reconcile the, the two builds versions of this bill between the House and the Senate. And so lots to lots to come in the, in the coming weeks to see what’s gonna happen to that.

I think it’s interesting you know, this is juxtaposed against you know, the Delta variant, you know, wreaking havoc across the country. So if you just look at the daily numbers of cases and hospitalizations, and again, no political judgments here. When, when the Senate amended the HR 36 84 about a month ago, the, the, the covid numbers, you know, they were, they were starting to climb back up, but nothing what they are today. So, just, if you look at the national numbers, obviously there was a spike, you know March, April, may of 2020 depending where in the country you were. There was another spike later in the spring, early summer. But then the big spike right now from Thanksgiving to call it end of January, where, where, you know, we obviously hit a hit a peak, and, and it overshadowed everything else.

We had shutdowns everywhere. And, you know, depending where in the country you know, the numbers are, are higher today than they were back in January. For many folks if they’re not higher, they’re up, up at least in that range. Some people are coming, coming off the peak. My my my point in saying all that is, I, it, it’s hard to imagine, and this is just my opinion, this is not a, don’t, don’t take this to the bank as a, a political prognosticator. This is, it’s hard to imagine for me that Congress is gonna reconcile a bill that removes e r TC credits for q4 when covid numbers are where they’re at, right? Because at the time, I think people thought, okay, we had turned the corner, and there’s probably not gonna be a lot of shutdowns in Q4 anyway.

So do we really need to stick this money in the form of stimulus into the economy when they’re looking for ways how to fund this infrastructure bill? So clearly they’re gonna still be looking for ways to fund the infrastructure bill. And, and this is one of the ways the Senate sought to do that. But, you know like I say, I, I just think it’s, they’re gonna be hard pressed to, to not keep this in place for Q4, given the current COVID numbers, but, you know, way above my pay grade. So we’ll watch middle of September when the Senate reconvenes and see how the reconciliation happens between the house and the Senate bills, and what ends up on President Biden’s desk. So, I’m sure we’re gonna have tons of content and webinars and discussion on that when as that date approaches.

So do, do pay attention to that. I think it’s really important. So if you’ve been paying attention to our website, some of our prior webinars, we, we’ve been through that. So through this what, what, what I’m gonna say is here, see, this is just a small portion of what is in the ebook. Really, really encourage you to download it, read it word for word this. So there’s tons of really valuable information. This isn’t stuff that’s just our opinion. We’re pulling this stuff off of IRS website. We’re pulling off of small business administration website, tons of legal and accounting sources, many of which are cited all throughout the ebook. So, so use this opportunity, you know, let’s call it maybe a 15, 20 minute read to get through the, the 15, 20 pages. And, and get really smart on this, because there’s just too much money at stake, not to, and I, I think an, an awful lot of people that we talk to on a daily basis, they have assumed they don’t qualify.

And the reality is, once you really start digging deep, that they do qualify. Now, it might not be for as much as you know, the full 28,000 for 2021 across their entire, entire employee population, but I i, if you’re impacted, you qualify. Now, it, it, the, the, the devil’s in the detail, but there are far more people that qualify for this. Then first, believe they, that they, that they don’t. And so couldn’t encourage you enough to get, get into the details here. All right. So I got four rows I wanna take you through, across three columns. First, the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act, that’s the CARES Act that, that the passed in March of, of last year. And so, at the time, like I said, there’s two forms of stimulus that were available to small businesses. Either you could take a P P P loan or you could apply for employee retention tax credits.

And all that meant is the intent was don’t fire your employees because you’re scared of the economy tank in here. Keep ’em employed. And we’re gonna pay for, for, for, for part of that, we’re gonna pay half of the what you pay in salary in the form of of a tax credit, okay? At the time, row two, that was for a hundred or fewer employees. So if you were a, a a hundred employees or fewer and, and you had, you could take the P P P or E R T C and one of two qualifying reasons. Either you had a government disruption it doesn’t mean a local, it’s not federal government. This could be a local, could be a mayor, it could be a county executive, could be a governor. If a local health official said, Hey, you know we’re gonna implement a curfew, and you’re normally open till midnight and there’s now a curfew a 10 o’clock in your, in your community, that impacts customer’s ability to get to you during your otherwise normal business hours, you are impacted.

If you are a restaurant or a salon or a gym that has all of a sudden you gotta implement social distancing guidelines that limits the capacity of your, your business in, in, in therefore impacts your revenue, you are impacted, right? So this isn’t just a revenue decline. This is if you are impacted by some type of government disruption. The other, the other test is revenue. It’s called gross receipts. There’s all kinds of technical ways that that is calculated, measured, but basically think sales are revenue top line sales revenue. And if it’s, if it’s decreased by more than 50% for that same quarter, that same period in 2019, then you qualify. So, government disruption or grocery receipt decline more than 50%, you, you qualify. And the credits available. We talked through it. It’s up to 50% of the first $10,000 in wages per employee after March 12th, I think I said end of March, but it’s after March 12th.

So March 13th through March 31st, 2020 rolls into Q2 of 2020 for, from a tax filing perspective, for, for, for this credit. So it’s really q2, q3, and q4 that the first $10,000 of wages during that three quarter period, 50% of that is eligible for for the tax credit. Now, let’s go to the next count. Consolidated Appropriations Act. That’s c a a, this was the outgoing Trump administration. It was December 27th. It was just two days after Christmas, right? Sneaking this in right at the end of the year. And a hugely important update came for small businesses. In, in, in, it’s the, it’s the first thing. It’s that it wasn’t an either or anymore. It wasn’t P P P or E R T C, it was both. You could take both. So even if this is retroactive, you took a P P P loan back in 2020, you could still retroactively apply for the tax credits for E R T C, so long as you don’t double dip.

Meaning, if you got a hundred thousand dollars P P P loan that was forgiven and all a hundred thousand dollars that went to payroll portion of the forgiveness, then you’re still eligible for E R T C, but not the a hundred thousand. So you’d have to, you, you’d have to carve that out. But as long as you still have qualifying wages up to the 50% of the 10,000 wage per employee outside of the P P P period that you use p p P dollars for payroll, then you can use both P PPP and E R T C. Now, we’re talking, in many cases, this is tens of thousands of dollars. Some cases it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional stimulus the businesses just simply weren’t previously eligible for. And because so much attention in Q1 of 2021 was focused on P P P second draw, man, I just think this got, this thing got buried below the fold, so to speak, to use an old newspaper term that people just didn’t realize.

Because also, part of that C I A, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, and, and, and December 27th was the introduction of P ppp second draw. And so, because that drew sucked all the oxygen outta of the room, in my opinion, it, it created this information deficit where companies just simply didn’t realize how much stimulus was available to them in the form of E R T C and P P P. Okay? important change number two, for, they also, for 2021, raise the bar of what, in definition of a small business. So the small business administration, they say anything below 500 or 500 employees or below is considered a small business. And so the 2020 version of E R T C was a hundred or fewer, fewer employees. 2021, the bar got raised to 500. So if you had fewer than 500 or fewer employees in 2019, that’s the compare period.

Then you are potentially eligible. Now you still have the, the same who qualifies next door below that government disruption. Same thing, you know, restriction in hours social distancing you know, certain, you know, changes to the business model that you are, the government order of some type impacted your business. Or if you had a decline in gross receipts. Now this time, it doesn’t have to be cut in half, but if gross receipts decline by 20% or more, so let’s say you were, let’s say you were 81% of revenue from the same period, 2019, you don’t qualify. But if you’re 79% of revenue, that’s, that’s 21% decline, then you do qualify, right? So the, so the two elements, government disruption or declining gross receipts of greater than 20%, okay? And, and here’s the biggest kicker. If you qualify for your under 500 employees in 2019, you’ve had a government disruption and or you’ve had a decline in revenue more than 20%.

Now, the credit is set up to, it is 70% of, of first 10,000 in wages per employee per quarter. So that’s up. So times four quarters, that’s, that’s $28,000. It, it per quarter and, and technically the Consolidated Appropriations Act said January one through January 30th. June 30th, that’s Q1 and q2. And then a couple months later, three months later along comes the American Rescue Plan Act, right? So January 20th, or so you got the inauguration, new administration comes in, and new stimulus introduced on the Biden administration, three 11, it passes, it’s arpa, the American Rescue Plan Act. So e essentially what that did is extended E R T C through Q3 and q4. There’s some other technical updates, but the, the most meaningful thing is that extended it for the entire year. Now, we got a little red star up next to American Rescue Plan Act in, in, in, you know, like we say, we’re, we’re, we don’t lean left or right, not red versus versus blue, but only towards small businesses and entrepreneurs and, and midsize companies with an entrepreneurial spirit.

One of the little, little secrets part that came along with ARPA was startup businesses. So the recovery, if you were considered a, a recovery startup business so let’s say you, you didn’t exist as a company. You were, you were a, a person maybe who was laid off in, in March of 2020. As, as part of covid. If you look at the new EINs, the employee identification numbers, federal IDs the applications for new federal IDs in 2020 was this giant hockey stick, because there’s so many people got laid off. Is, is, is, is the pandemic kind of, kind of swept across the, the United States. So many people got laid off, and what did they do? So many people started businesses, right? We’re, we’re in this gig economy where the entrepreneurial spirit still, it runs strong in the United States, and people were hanging the shingle out for themselves.

And so creating new EINs. And so part of what ARPA did was it wasn’t just about retaining employees at older existing companies, they also created a provision for startup businesses. So if you were laid off, if you were a business that didn’t exist before February 15th, 2020, right? So you are a new startup in the summer of last year, the fall of last year, and your, your annual gross receipts don’t exceed a million dollars. So you’re truly a startup, small business. Then you qualify for e r pc in Q3 and Q4 of this year. Now, go back to the previous slide. This makes it extra <laugh> eyes super wide open and anxiously awaiting news on the, on the infrastructure bill, and to see whether Q4 stays in based on that bill. But, but this is a really important addition. So, you know, we get excited about how to help small businesses in, in entrepreneurial people in, in, and this is a way to get meaningful money.

So the same dollar amounts, right? Up to 28,000, excuse me, up to $7,000 per employee per quarter. So small business, you know, couple employees, $7,000 each. You got three employees. That’s, you know, 21 grand. $21,000 is a heck of a lot of money to a small business on a per quarter basis, right? So, so real stimulus out there, even for startups that didn’t exist before the pandemic hit. Okay? So how do you calculate the employee retention tax credits? So, so first it’s qualifying wages. So what are qualifying wages? And we, and we go into a lot of detail in the ebook. Again, please download it. Please read every word. It, it, it, it’s, it’s, it’s really critical you understand it. But basically it’s this, it’s wages on a per employee basis that don’t exceed a hundred thousand dollars. So we’re not paying for super highly compensated people.

We’ll pay, you know, the, the, it’ll pay for you know up to a hundred thousand. So it could be a minimum wage person that’s EL eligible could be somebody making $75,000 a year. Those, those wages are, are, are qualifying, and it’s not just, say, an hourly wage or just their base salary. That would include employer portion of healthcare. So what do you, if you’re in an employer, you know, you got healthcare costs, you got wages, you got you got commissions, you got bonuses, all that counts towards qualifying wages. The biggest thing is that you can’t double dip. So if you had money that you use for a P P P loan, you can’t use that same money to that, that, that those P P P dollars you paid your employees with, you can’t double dip and get employee retention tax credits on those wages.

If you had people go out on leave for families first Coronavirus response Act, that’s F F C R A pay you can get a tax credit for that. But if you have people on F F C R A leave and you’re already getting a tax credit for that, you can’t double dip and then apply for e r TC on those, on those same wages. So it gets complex real fast, but just the highest way to think of it is just no double dipping against any other stimulus plan and wages of any, all, all your employees, including the employer portion of healthcare up to a hundred thousand dollars each. And so tips, that’s part of employee income, that, that, that counts. The only carve out to think about in this mostly impacts small, smaller companies, but certainly there are midsized companies you know, 2, 3, 4, 500 employees that, you know, are family generational businesses.

 And so if you’re an owner or if you’re a relative of an owner, those wages don’t count either. This is, it is implied in the intent of the law that there is legacy wealth that will reside in those businesses that can be passed down to those individuals. And this is really meant to provide stimulus A for the business, but also b for the employees of those businesses as, as they go through the tough times. And so, simple math for how to calculate the credits, simply multiplying the wages up to the 10,000 per employee for 50% of all eligible quarters in 2020. So you combine Q2 three and four, all is one lump group in the max you can have is 5,000 per employee. It starts out the same, both playing qualified wages up to 10,000 per employee, but in 2021, but it’s by quarter.

So, and also the percent goes up to 70%. So that’s five thou 7,000 per employee per quarter, or 28,000 per year. Something I’m not gonna take you through, but I wanna highlight, I think maybe the, the two most valuable pages in this ebook is we provided a decision tree. And so, you know, you can read text, you don’t need me to read to you, but we, we take you really step-by-step. So for 2020 you know, did a government order related to covid force you to fully or partially suspend your business? Yes. Okay? You go to the left and you file that decision tree. No you go through that decision tree because answering no, doesn’t necessarily need, you know, qualify. It just takes you through a different set of questions. So we, we’ve taken you through the qualifying and disqualifying questions to determine your eligibility for both 2020 and 2021.

 This one I think it is just incredibly self-evident. You don’t need me to read it to you, but it’s perhaps the two most important slides in, in the ebook. So please, please take a look at that. All right? How do you get your money <laugh> at the end of the day, that’s what it comes down to, right? And be, so think about the name E R T C, employee retention tax credit. The T is for tax. C is for credit, it’s a tax credit. So how do you get your money? Will you get it in the form of, of tax return filing, right? It, it, it, it, it’s, it’s tax documents. So there’s three primary ways to get it. So the, the first one, if you are gonna try to apply retroactively, you certainly can, you have to complete an amended tax return.

So as a small and mid-sized company of, of any, any size company, I should say, you, you, we all have to file a quarterly 9 41 that’s our employer tax return, right? Making sure that we’re properly paying tax paying taxes on behalf of our employees for, for, you know, all, all the, all the federal taxes, right? Fi, et cetera. And so if you were in normal day-to-day life outside of a pandemic, if there was a mistake or a change you needed to make, you would simply file a 9 41 x. That’s an amended return. Well, the 9 41 x has been modified through by the I r s through covid that allows for the claim of E R T C credits. So as long as you have the right payroll data. So if you’re an insured client, we ha in, in, in your last year, we have all that payroll data resident in the system already.

And so it’s simply backing out any E R T C or F F C rcra covered pay, so you don’t double dip. And then applying the rest of those dollars to a 9 41 x an amended return. And there’s a checkbox, do you want those dollars to apply to future returns, or do you want the money back in the form of a check? And who the heck doesn’t like a check, right? So if it’s retroactive, the period has already gone past obviously all of 2020 in 2021, if it’s for Q1 or q2, that’s water under the bridge. You are certainly still all this year able to retroactively apply for those credits. You, we just do it in the form of a 9 41 x. Okay? My only caution, and, and if I could put this in all caps, I probably should, on on the slide here, the IRS is extremely backlogged, okay?

 They had the staffing concerns that the rest of the United States did, the rest of the world did during the pandemic but they, you know, as most go federal government agencies, they sent home non-essential workers. And so in, in 2020 for a, for a long period of time, and so you had mail continuing to pile into these organizations, it’s taking that they’re literally many, many, many months behind. So we, we still don’t have, you know, we talk to the IRS every day, you know, we’re, we’re a bulk filer on behalf of, you know, tens of thousands of clients. And so we, we understand ’em as probably as good as anybody does but there’s no way to even get a direct answer from them, how long it’s gonna take you to get your check. We know that we can file these 9 41 x the amended returns quickly.

 But to set expectations anecdotally, we think this could still, we were telling clients and in Q1 and Q2 of this year that this could easily be six to nine months to get your money. I still think it’s minimum three, probably closer to six or more months before you get your money. So it is gonna come in the form of a check, but we are all at the mercy of the irs. You know, not, not as sure not any of our competitors have any control over their backlog. Now, if you try to take these credits ongoing by simply reducing your, your tax deposits, so as you know, every pay period you as an employer, you’re paying part the, the employer portion of of fica, right? Of, of the, of, of the federal tax on your employees. So you do have the ability to simply reduce the payments and therefore, kind of take the money now, right?

So don’t, instead of spending the money and getting the money back in the form of a check aka a credit, you simply could lower how much you’re paying the, the IRS today, and then properly account for that. And boy, you’d better properly account for it on your normal quarterly 9 41. If you don’t, if you try to simply not pay the federal government what it’s owed without then accounting that properly on the 9 41, you are gonna be in a world of hurt. We don’t advise this to anybody. Don’t take this in your own hands. Use consult with your cpa. Certainly, we, we’d love to help you if you’re not already a client, talk to your payroll professional at as Asure whomever is provided providing your payroll services. And if, if you’re gonna do it, do it the right way. But, but here’s the thing.

Your, your quarterly federal tax liabilities are probably a small fraction. I, if you’re eligible for E R T C, your quarterly federal tax liabilities are probably a fraction what your l your, your eligible or owed in the form of E R T C credits, right? So if you were to, and I’m just gonna make up round numbers. If you were, if you, if you monthly, excuse me, if you quarterly pay $10,000 in federal taxes, employer federal taxes, but your E R T C tax credit is worth a hundred grand, that would take 10 quarters of not paying federal taxes to equal the dollar amount. So, I, I, I, I think it’s a fine strategy to, to lower your, your cash needs and lower your expenses immediately by not paying those federal taxes and just accounting for that properly, and then on your normal 9 41.

But don’t, don’t wait on that. You’re, you’re gonna take years before you get all your money back, right? And who knows what’s gonna happen legislatively during that period of time, reduce your tax bill immediately in the 9 41 by working with your, your, your tax imperial professional. But by gosh, also file for the 9 41 x retroactively in. Even if you gotta get in line for several months to get a check from the I r s, you’re gonna be grateful the day that that check arrives. The other thing is there, there’s a called us form 7,200. So I, I, I’d say proceed with caution on this one if you for sure. Know that you qualify in future quarters. And you know, as the year goes along here, we are more than halfway through q3. So Q3 is kind of already outta the question, but if you know for fact you’re gonna qualify in q4, you can there’s an IRS provision by applying form 7,200.

You can apply for those credits in advance, whatever the federal tax liability is for on the employer portion for q4, and they can send you a check to pay for that in, in advance. Now, given how much flux there is around, is this thing even gonna be a thing next year how certain can you actually be, you’re gonna qualify. Like if you’re really financially impacted, you got clear line of sight to your revenue stream then you might already for sure know that you’re gonna qualify, qualify. But none of us know what’s gonna happen for, you know, mandates in, in q4. It’s the future. That’s one thing that I think we all know that that this we have, we kind of have no idea how this pandemic is gonna play out. I think we all think it’s gonna you know, light at the end of the tunnel in some ways, but also life is probably never gonna return a hundred percent the way it was before.

 And then you know, on, on revenue, if you know your business bounces back, maybe you, maybe you don’t end up qualifying, but just a lot of questions. So I’d say consult a tax professional, consult your C P A and certainly consult your payroll professional whether filing a a, a form 7,200 makes sense. So wi with that, you know I hope everyone in <laugh>, every small business owner, an entrepreneur manager at a midsize company downloads the book, e reads every single word whether you’re an Asure customer or not, you, you, you learn everything there is about this. And, and hopefully more people get stimulus. You know, we, we helped file returns 9 41 X’s quite specifically in Q2 to the tuna, like a hundred million dollars in stimulus for just Asure clients. And, and that number’s gonna be probably a lot bigger in Q3 and Q4 here based on just on activity and on how we’re helping clients.

So a hundred million. So my, my, my goal Asures goal with this ebook, with this today’s webinar is that this is information to help everyone get the stimulus they they need, and they’re legally entitled to, entitled to regardless of whether you’re an Asure client. Now, obviously, we would love to help you. And so if you’re interested, if you’re an Asure client you know, contact your customer support rep, this is, this is a no-brainer. We’ve got your data. We can do this for you. If you’re not an Assure client, all we need is your, your historical data. So if you wanna file 2020 retroactive, you know, get a, get a journal entry a journal export of your current payroll system, switch over to our platform, give us that data so we can import it into our system, and easy, easily calculate, and we’ll do three things.

We will, we, that payroll data, we review and come up with the number for qualified wages, we calculate the amount of the credit, and then we file those amended returns on your behalf. Th this is complex stuff. The, the concepts may be straightforward. Hopefully we’ve unpacked this ebook in a way that it’s straightforward, easy enough to understand in, in today’s recording. But, you know, actually executing in this stuff, it, it, there, there’s a lot to it. It’s fairly deep water. So this is what we do. We have the systems, the technology, the people, the training, all in place to do this, and we’d love to help you out. So if you’re interested, just Asure and we’d love to help you out. With that, I, I would again, encourage you, if you haven’t done it yet, go to the website at sure rtc, download the ebook, get smart on this topic.

 And we hope like heck, that the stimulus money that comes outta e RTC can really help you grow your business. If you’re in survival mode, obviously we hope it do hope, hope it does that. But we are entering a new economy coming as, as we turn the corner with covid the shift from face-to-face, brick and mortar that can, we’ve been on this changing continuum towards more virtual, more flex, more gig economy work for the last 20 years. And that all just hit the accelerator, right? As, as companies were forced to deal with pandemic as employees and entrepreneurs we’re forced to deal with, how the heck do I take care of my kids when they don’t go to school every day? This pandemic has fundamentally changed the face of entrepreneurship and small business and midsize companies in insurer’s here to help, whether it’s virtual onboarding and recruiting in our HR solutions or employee self-service capabilities for your employees to manage their own data without having to worry about paper forms in an office that they no longer report to on the payroll side. So get smart on E R T C. We’d love to talk to you if you’re interested in any way. And until next week, look forward to talk to you again. Thanks.



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